Dude Are U Stupid Or Cant You Take criticism
Okay I was gonna say nice song but animation sound n spelling could use work
But then i Readed the comments..
The sound is really bad you can bearly hear wott hes saying. So You say the speakers are messed up. It sounded really bad here to so my speakers must be messed up however funny tht it plays every other flash animation clearly
Second Your spelling save :/
I Have been all over England and I have never heared anyone speak german.
Just admit that you have a bad mic n have bad spelling and in return you will get more comments helping you rather than telling you to stop lieing about English people speaking german and people having rubbish speakers coz you have a "£10000" Mic. More Like £2:50 from a car boot sale. Either that or you've been really ripped off because my mic costed £10 and its wayyyy better quality than that (still not amazing but better)
Sorry Just Needed to get that off my chest